Sarah Walston

Hi, I'm Sarah!

I started not knowing who I was or what to do with my life and now I'm here. 


I grew up in a Christian home and school. I was in church everytime the doors were open (and occasionally when they weren't - my mom was over children's ministry when I was young). Even though I've known who Jesus was my entire life, that didn't keep me from limiting beliefs, hardships and traumas. 


At 7 years old, I was diagnosed with severe scoliosis that led me to spinal surgery only 7 years later; despite my parents and doctors best efforts to keep me from it. So, while my friends were going to youth camp, playing sports or going on vacations, I was learning to walk again. One short year after my surgery, I went on an unforgettable mission trip to Guatemala to share Jesus. I was always known as "the strong one, the resilient one, etc." but little did I know, I'd be much like those people I went to reach only a few years later.


By the time I was 17 years old, I'd experienced more mental, emotional and even physical abuse than I'd realized at the time. I was fearful that I would always get hurt. So, I wouldn’t let people get close to me or really know me because I thought they would leave or hurt me. Each time I let someone close to me, they hurt me. At 17 years old, I was raped and became a mom as a result. I was broken, afraid and lost.

I was always the girl who was talked down to, left out and made fun of… and as a result, I had low self-esteem, I felt unworthy and unloved.

As I struggled with how to hold myself together after experiencing such trauma, I was bombarded with so much outside negativity from friends, co-workers, church members and even family. I was told what had happened to me was my fault. I was told to have an abortion. I was told to give up my child for adoption. I was glared at when I would go to church - I could practically feel the murderous thoughts people had toward me and the assumptions they'd made without knowing the facts. 


I was rejected at church - the place we're told to go when we need help and love.


I fell apart.


I tried to pick up the broken pieces of myself as quickly as I could and hold them together before welcoming my son into the world. I knew even then, that God would use my story to help someone else. I knew God was using the darkest moment in my life to make something beautiful. He did.


But before He brought me through it, I fell apart even more because I'd tried to hold it together all alone. I ended up making lots of wrong decisions and mistakes along the way. I should be dead BUT GOD. Even in my brokenness, even in my pain (some of it being self inflicted), He was there. 


When I finally gave up on trying to control all the details and surrender to the Lord, I met my husband, Matt. He's accepted and adopted my son as his own and welcomed three more beautiful boys with me. After meeting my husband, I unintentionally embarked on a healing journey of personal growth and development. After going to seminars, reading self-help books, really studying the Bible to have a deep relationship with my Savior and getting a mentor – I started to catch a vision of what I wanted my ideal life to look and feel like. 

And then I took action to make it happen.

I wanted to help other women navigate the hardships in their lives, let them know they're not alone and make them feel seen.

In 2023, I finally sat down with my son and told him my story. 


Just a few short months later, God revealed to me how exactly He wanted me to go about helping women heal from their trauma and help moms grow in motherhood to find purpose outside of the title "mom". 


Here we are.

My mission

I help moms become who God has called them to be by renewing and refreshing their souls with Biblical truths to overcome trauma and find purpose beyond motherhood with personal growth and healthy routines.